Friday, September 11, 2015

Folded Paper Drawing- Mini Project 1


1. To start, I drew as I usually do, my wrist on the paper with hard outlines of the object. I moved into holding the pencil and using my entire arm to shade the picture. 

2. I did plan this out. I started with outlines and erased whatever I saw as unfit. I believe the drawing showed a mediocre placement for what we were doing. If I had done this as a bigger project I wouldn't have put it center to the page. 

3. I tried to show a creative side in what I drew by making the object more complicated. Majority of the class drew airplanes, but I however struggled to create a tiny paper hat. The outcome is not what I wanted or expected but I took the challenge anyway. I tried to use different marks to shade as well, but I could've done better in my own opinion. Overall I feel like this tiny project went well.


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